Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Promotion and marketing

I've been given my first brief outside of Uni (It was given to me by my aunty but still). I love working with promotional material and marketing. She wanted me to think of ideas for a possible business idea about speaking too and proving soul survival and spiritual healing. So heres a few illustrations I've been owkring on...

xoxo Nat 

Monday, 18 June 2012

UCLAN degree show

So so proud of me and my classmates...take a look at some of the talent we have in our class. Just took a few cheeky snaps, hope you enjoy them. Our blood sweat tears and hard work is over (for now) we have COMPLETED our degree wooohooo well done us <3

this is my stand

wide range of talent there I'd say. 

xoxo Nat

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Surface pattern work

I've been working on an old project revamping some early patterns I started and making them better. I took the embroidery, collages and drawings from an old project and reworked it in photoshop and by adding some new drawings and doodles I did. Its not a large collection but I'm quite pleased with them for a quick project.

xoxo Nat

Monday, 4 June 2012


As you already know my brothers wedding day was a fabulous day...and its still being talked about weeks later :) Dont think Ill ever forget, and I hope one day mine is as special as that...

We've had another wedding in our family this cousin Phil and his new wife Sarah tied the knot on saturday and that was a fabulous day also. Everyone truely enjoyed themselves.

Not only have we been celebrating the newly wedded couple this jubilee weekend but we have a new arrival too! My beautiful cousin Lynsey (also recently married) has given birth to a beautiful baby boy Benedict Alexander Roocroft born in the early hours weighing 9lb 11oz!!!

Happy weekend for me and my family!

gorgeous Benedict

me and my handsome man

me and my new sister-in-law!

cutie pie oliver

the new mr and mrs!


nearly speech time

first dance

party time!!!!

xoxo Nat