Monday, 28 January 2013

Recent Goings on....

Hi All,

just to fill you in on what's been going on recently....I've been doing a bit of work for my greetings card agent 'the paintbox' ready for spring (next year of course). I've had loads of fun designing greetings cards for valentines, mother's day, and easter :) take a sneaky look:

I have also been busy doing some family and friend portraits.... I started originally doing them for family and friends as Christmas presents. I got that much interest from them I now do them on commission basis and had a few orders :) Feel free to contact me if you like them (

i love that I can see my own style shining through in all that i do now. I feel a lot better about things and can see my brand building just how i want it too. Smiles all round. 

hope you like them!

Nat xoxo

Monday, 7 January 2013

Moved for now :)

First things first...i must apologise for not posting on here! I have been very busy since graduating in june and i failed to fill you all in on the exciting happenings and the, well, completing overwhelming events. To pretty much some up what has happened:

- I graduated with a first class
honours in my textile degree.

- I had my degree show

- I exhibited at the new designers show in London- Daunting but totally worth it

- I won a prize!!! A prize for the most commercial surface pattern design with Wilkinson (you know the big store)

(this was where the overwhelming feeling kicked in

-So i spent a while on cloud nine, often crying happy tears
, till i then realised. I totally deserve this, and i can do this!

- So since then i've been working mega hard. Making new patterns, and designing for the Wilkinson store itself!!!
(products should be on sale in July this year)

- I forgot to mention whilst this was going on
(as if it wasn't big enough to take in alone) I had a job offer as a children's designer for Mother care (which i sadly had to turn down- complicated, very complicated) BUT I didn't let this stop me in my tracks.

- I set up my own business as a freelance designer and as part of that joined a greetings card agency called paintbox, where, at Christmas I got my first sale!!!

- After the recent setback having to turn down practically my dream job i decided to give it a go myself. I have developed a children's range of my own which I have huge expectations for, and great belief that it will end up out there! (you will see most of this on my Facebook)

-Aswell as working on my Children's idea and pretty much dedicating my time to this I am also passionate to keep my surface pattern going. I have started a new range to co-ordinate and run alongside my children's range which fits into a/w 13/14 trend. RESULT!

- I have been featured on many blogs like business boom, trend bible and the print and pattern blog!!! This was just too much excitement and i'm still not over it. 

- I have had an interview with tiger print (OMG). i wasn't successful but it was a great learning curve for me and it's a truly wonderful place...maybe one day! 

- And finally at the moment i am working on putting my ideas into reality making prototypes of my children's products and I will be applying for 'one year on' at new designers this year. fingers crossed.

-Oh and i almost forgot- I've gone a written and illustrated a children's book using my illustration and surface pattern expertise and I LOVE IT. trying to get it published at the moment. 

So yeah- i've been busy- I'm still not over it.

And when i have a bad day, and things don't go right: I just think to myself I am so lucky. :) I mean come on- I've only just graduated.

There, summed it up very quickly for you! It's been a whole bigger roller coaster than it sounds!

but for future reference i actually came to tell you all that your more likely to keep up with what I'm doing by liking my design page on Facebook :) i pretty much use that as my blog now. Its easier!

You will find it here:

Thankyou for listening!


Nat xoxo