Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Getting a little creative in my spare time

I've been overloaded with uni work and I decided I wanted to have little break from just for a day or two. Seeing as though it's my brothers wedding in less than two weeks, I got all wedding-like and wanted to do some pretty wedding things!!! Me and the fellow bridesmaid Helen couldn't find a pearly bag anywhere to match our dresses, so we bought a cheap lacy one from new look and I embellished them with pearls and diamantes and I'm really pleased with the outcome...

I added the pearls and diamontes, the bag was bought.

I could make them all day long. Perhaps its a business opportunity? revamping handbags!? LOVE <3

As well as that I attempted a head piece for the bride to be. Don't know if she'l like it, and she didn't ask me to one, but I thought as I like to make things like that I'd give it a go and no one looses right?! Took a quick snap of it, I'm rather proud. It's probably not the best in the world as I've never done one before and sort of made it up as I went a long but its so pretty...

Hope you like them :) 

xoxo Nat

Ps. I MUST do some uni work now!!!

1 comment:

  1. The revamped lace bags look lovely with the pearls and diamantes, and I'm sure the bride will just love the head piece, its gorgeous!
    Hope you got your uni work done!
